Consultation Vedic Astrology (online, 1,5 hour)

Who you are, what you want to do, where you are standing in your life, and how you think to realize your deepest desires in the coming years, regarding health, relationships, work, children, spirituality and your life mission. So, these are just a few popular themes that you may want an answer to. Considering the various astrological approaches Vedic Astrology is considered the most advanced because of its direct connection with the ultimate level of reality. Narada Kush has given countless consultations in the Netherlands, Hungary and in many other countries. Everyone leaves his 1 – 1½ hours consultation with enthusiasm and contentment. The consultation includes (health)remedies, a gemstone-recommendation, a print-out of your Vedic birth chart and a digital recording.

Narada Kush

If necessary other means can be applied, using certain instruments in order to support a better health, to experience more happiness and to develop both wisdom and inner beauty. The consultations will be online via Zoom, but in Hungary and The Netherlands consultation days are regularly held in different places of the countries.

Vedic consultation
Gemstone advice
Overview of Vedic Horoscope
Digital recording of the consultation
Consultation via Skype/Video?

Ayurvedic consultation (online, 1 hour)

In principle every disease can be healed less expensively than you think. In this consultation Kush gives you insight into the most important principles of Ayurveda, checks your physical condition and life style & food habits and presents a number of suggestions to bring/keep body and mind in natural balance.

Health is our own responsibility and we can take it in our own hands. Selfhealing is the new formula to create and maintain optimum health in a natural way.

Ayurvedic consultation
Explanation of the most important principles
Checking physical and life style conditions
Advice for optimizing health

Combined Ayurvedic-Astrological consultation (online, 2 hours)

See above.

Ayurvedic/Astrology consultation
In 3 hours a complete overview of your birth horoscope, physical and mental condition.

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© Kush Consultancy