Introduction in Ancient Vedic Science
The Sanskrit word Veda means: knowledge. The Veda’s are the oldest records of mankind and the holy scriptures of more than a billion people all over the world. But they are difficult to be understood because of their special language and high level of wisdom. In short we can summarize:
1) The Veda’s are the divine revelations of a high civilization, the Vedic Civilization of more than 5000 years ago.
2) They are cognized by the Vedic seers who were directly in tune with higher dimensions, where the gods and semi-gods reside.
3) They are set up in such a way that they give their own commentary.
All forms and phenomenae in the universe are the expression of the infinite creativity which is contained in our consciousness. In other words, our consciousness in its simplest form is the source of all multiplicity of creation.
Consciousness is a very special phenomenon. It is that field in nature that is aware of itself. It contains at the same time the observer, the process of observing and the observed. We call it the state of wholeness or unity. It is the state where mind, body and soul become one. The purpose of the Veda’s is that we grow to higher states of consciousness and that we experience unity in ourselves and with the universe. It is our mind which forms a lively link between the inner soul and the outer body. Through meditation and yoga we can develop the experience of ‘I know myself’ as being a part of the universe. To grow into this experience is the goal of Vedic Sciences.
In Narada Kush’s workshops we will walk through the different parts of Vedic literature, what is their deeper meaning and what can they offer us. The Vedic tools to experience higher states of consciousness are almost inexhaustible and we will discuss and experience many of them.